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Pic of ME

Me and my make-up
♥ This all picture are taken by myself
♥ No edit

During Halloween
1st November 2011 , Tuesday 
Happy Halloween !
This is my new dress & and high heels I bought it from
This make-up I learn from youtube , somehow I looks like a vampire after I put on the red lipstick .
Forgive for my poor camera . Might not able to see my make-up nicely .
♥ I added some dark effect around the picture.

Nude Make-up
13th October 2011 , Thursday 
This is my simple nude make-up..
I wanted to try this long time ago , I feels so happy to take this picture .
Funny right !?!? I felt satisfied with this picture...
♥ I wear my clothes , don't think negatively .
♥ I crop the picture only . 

Testing with My Make-up
15th September 2011 , Thursday 
I didn't go school today
Just spending my time with my make-up
Did I improve ?