Your Shortcut

Monday 26 December 2011

During Christmas ! Many Party going on ...

Early in the morning , 8.34a.m
** special ringtone form bf ... ...**
WALAO ! WHY so early call me o ??
Me : "Hello ??"
Bf : "HI~~~!"
Me : "I still sleeping le...Yesterday(24th December) tired you know!"
Bf : "Ya la , what time you want to come over my place??"
Me : "11a.m ??"
Bf : "So late ah , said want to make dessert together and go to Uncle Colin & Auntie Jackie house ?"
Me : "Then 10.30a.m lo , I still want to sleep awhile . I still haven't wrap your dad present o!"
Bf : "Still haven't wrap ah !?!? go sleep bah , later I come over and pick you up"
*hang up*

I woke up and continue reading my comic where I stop ( Detective Conan , I'm big fan of that comic )
After reading only wash up .
On computer , at the same time  wrap present .

Watch one anime .
** special ringtone form bf ... ...**

We try to make a dessert .
Strawberries with chocolate . The chocolate didn't coat the strawberries well .
Is a failure !
Since is a failure one , so we ate it all .
Sorry , can't bring it to Uncle Colin & Auntie Jackie house .

Since we can't do anything about it .
So we just wait for the time .
My bf and Puppy trying to act dead ..
Time to go ..

Ding Dong , Ding Dong ~
Hi Auntie Hi Uncle .
Once I get it .
So many people that I don't know .
I was stunted for a moment .
Nervous !
What to do ??

Nvm , just get some food .
WAH ~ 2/3 is spicy food ...
Get food for my bf 1st . Asked him tried it .
Didn't take much picture . Cause way toooooo shy .
Just a few ...
Look down !
Me and bf eating candy !!
Uncle & aunty taking picture
Our drinks !
Christmas Present from Uncle & Auntie 
I got Enchanter Paris perfume and angpau !?
A bit tired after this party .
Went to my bf house and sleep a moment .

Next stop , my grandma party .
Around 6p.m me and bf sit bus to my grandma house .
Once arrive .
Get in to the dinning table .
home-made pizza , chicken pie , ABC & sweetcorn soup ..
All done by my aunt and my grandma .
Chicken Pie
Messy table . Done eating !
Family chat-time
Delicious food , credit to my aunt & grandma
Wonderful day right !?!?!?
2 parties in one day .

By June

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