Your Shortcut

Monday, 4 June 2012

My 18th B'day

Wish myself happy birthday 1st ... (LoL!!!)

I want to thanks those who wish and celebrate for me .

  1. Facebook for reminding my friends
  2. Friends who wish me at facebook
  3. My parents pay for my University fees
  4. My sister giving me present with lovely card
  5. My BEST friend at University gave me present with sweet message
  6. My grandmother and aunt for ready delicious food and cake for me
  7. Lastly is my bf . He spend a lot for me for this birthday . 
Wishes from my facebook friend :

That's all ....
I know I got very little friends , but is ok . Less friend less problem .

Present from my University best friend
She gave me something that I want . LoL
She asked me before my birthday .
Lovely paper beg she made for me .
Sweet touching messages form her .
She remember what I like . ( How awesome is that ! )
Nano white mask and snow wash
Sweet messages .
Cute turtle .
( Thanks Wee Ven )
Next is my sister .
She gave me the present very early .
She bought me a big paint brush for my art work .
soft brush .
Good quality .
This is the card she made for me .
She put in my tool box .
My friend open the box only I saw this card . If not I won't know also .
Touching word inside
Don't know what she said is true or not . LoL
Now , is my parents .
They celebrate for my yesterday .
Since I'm so busy with my studies .

Table of food .
My grandma and my aunt cook for me .

My aunt make it and decorate it
18th candles
My bf cut cake with me .
I know I looks horrible without make-uo
Lastly is my boyfriend
Last Wednesday (30th May) , he ask me go to his College (Berjaya College) and have dinner with him at his College restaurant .
Student cook , student serve .
He paid everything . (LoL)
He even introduce me to his friends . I'm a bit embarrassed .
Anyway , he bring me go shopping awhile that day .
Show you the present later .
On 1st June , after his class . He send me a box of give .
A small box . ( The only gift that is wrap )
Nom nom nom nom~~~
taste not bad .
Too bad , not he make one .
Hope he will make for me next time .
Yesterday ( 3rd June ) , we went Sunway Pyramid and celebrate( more like shopping )
We eat , watch movie and buy many stuff .

We eat at sushi king . I just said only . Then he pull me into the restaurant right away .
Pictures in Sushi king .
Happy moment .
Then we watch Man in Black 3 .
Is hilarious and awesome .
Touching story line in the end .
Picture before movie start .
A very comfortable couple seat . 
After movie , we go popular , daiso and watson for shopping .

Then we ate Macdonald .
His hungry , not me .
But he still order a set for me .

Last , we look for a formal skirt for my presentation , which I don't know when .
But soon .

So this what I got from yesterday .
Beg and nude bra bought from timesquare
The rest from Sunway . 
Umbrella from Daiso
That's the end of my 18-year-old birthday story telling .

By June

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