Your Shortcut

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Sorrow Life

Today is my first day of colour drawing class and is my first time wearing formal clothing for Malaysian Study presentation .

Today , our lecturer taught us a lot about colour . He talk a lot until we only manage to draw one piece of colour drawing .

Sneak peek of my colour drawing :
I felt not bad for my first time .
I will work hard for better result .
Then for my presentation today , I did my best , but is horrible .
So is ok . I'm still new in presentation , I'll do better next time .

Hehe... see my formal clothing ...
How is it ? How is it ?
Nice ?
That it . 
Now , lets blend in to my topic unconsciously as you read ( LoL....)
I'm a person that got very very very n very little friends .
Whenever I walk together with my friend , they will prefer to talk to my partner than me . I'm kindda left out . I wonder is it because I don't know any music , game , drama or fashion . I guess that I'm faith that not to talk with anyone . 
My only hope is my boyfriend , but NOW I hesitate . Should I text him / call him / fb him . I need to control myself and said : "NO ! Cannot keep SMS him . No No NO !" . Why I control myself is because that he don't really have topic to talk to me . I guess is because I don't know and don't play any game . If I talk to him , he might be listening to my complain everyday . I want to tell him what I did today , but at the same times I have to think about him . Now , I always worry and terrified that our relationship get worst . That's why I try not to text him / call him / fb him in order to give him some SPACE ! Sometimes he might complain I'm repeating . 
I cry when I remove my make-up just now . Thinking that is it what I need to go through for this for my entire life ? If yes , means I can never walk out from my own 'box' .

I'm getting lonely from day by day . The only way of not dying is to express myself through blog . Now I'm thinking to do my own video and upload on youtube , but I don't have good camera . So that have to wait . Waiting my mum said "yes" to buy DSLR , but no money .

That it for today .
Getting more sorrow story in my blog . Sorry about .

By June

Friday, 22 June 2012

Mother's Birthday

Yesterday is my mother's birthday and is my drawing exam also .
Today I got my drawing exam , I got 9/15 only . I was hoping for 10/15 . Kindda sad .
But never mind "la" , I'll work hard for the next exam .

Yesterday , my mum birthday . I bought her a special candle .
Is a magic candle that will relight again .

I eat durian yesterday ,
taste nice , but ended up sick today .
Tiramisu cake that my aunt make for my mum .
Is delicious .
Lighting up the candle

My mum is making a wish
She looks so happy
The candle relight and she blow again and again and again .
She blow again .
Eating time !!!

See inside, got chocolate bar inside and few layer of cake .
Is just happy night with my mum . Hahaha~~~

That's all for today . Thanks for reading .

By June

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

My Dream

My dream and what I'm hoping for .
I just hope he'll just see it and understand me .

I don't know why recently he just get annoying on what I did .
I talk things repeatly he get annoyed ; I change my profile picture in facebook(the body painting picture) he get annoyed ; I post something on blog and I wanted him to read , he get annoyed .
I seriously don't know what's wrong with him , but somehow he get annoyed by me .
Most of the times I thought he will support me in all way , but I didn't know he take it as a forceful matter .
I just hope he will say goodnight and love me every night . Somewhat and somehow , he think I force him . I wonder what type of person he is . Isn't it something nice when you love a person and don't feel tired of saying it . Somewhat he don't think that way . He think I force him to said it , is simply means he's tired of our relationship .
Haizz... He can makes me happy my buying me stuff , but he always make me cry by not taking care of this small matters .
He always give me the reasons he tired , he get annoyed , he forget and bla bla bla ... I wonder if he will forget to eat .

My dream with him is totally different from his dream .

I'm dream of my future life every single minute .
Sometimes I hope I have a Japanese culture and fashion , I have Korean beauty , I have western manners and a combination with my own culture . That's is what I really hope for , but is almost impossible to make it come true .
Sometimes me and my boyfriend think really really far , far as in until we got marry (haha... every couple think that). When I think that , I got terrified ! I know that my boyfriend and I totally have a different dream . His future will be a chef and my future will be a designer . We have a different working time . And he said after marry must stay with his parents . OMG , this even worst to me . I won't said I hate his parents .

My dream family !
After marry , still like couple . Holding hands , give a hug when he/she go to work or come back to work , say goodnight and love you to each other . When we have kids , we spend time with them , eat together , bath together ... I also dream that I can make amazing bento for my kids (haha... think too much)

That's just a dream which everyone hope for . My boyfriend , he just hate all those . He will just said we are Chinese , no kissing , no hugging in front of people . He said it will make people annoyed . To me it just make people jealous of our relationship ( muahaha...! ) . Too bad we both think differently .

When he get tired , he tend to forget everything . So awesome . I can't said anything about it . He only think that he's the only person will get tired . He hate attention , but he want attention from his friends . His understanding of my attention and his attention are totally different .

I know my personality but he don't know his . He love to dominate in everything . He always think his right . He love "face" . He thinks that he know everything . He show off a lot . But I don't really care of those , that's is what every guys personality are . Can't you just don't think that I force you to do it . Reading my blog is not what I want to force you to read , reading my blog you will know my personality more . Why you think that I force you to read it . It can show your support towards your girlfriends . When I asked you to read it , you can just read it any time you want , just tell me when you can read it . But he tell me no point of reading my blog . That's so hurtful to me . I was so eagle when you can read my blog . In the end , he just do not have the interest about me any more . That's all I can said .

My dream are basically my life with my boyfriend . This is what I dream for now .

By June

Monday, 18 June 2012

Balancing Sculpture

Finally I finish my balancing sculpture and done the presentation .
Feel relax now after those stress .
Is no easy to balance the sculpture . I failed a several time .
Doing this , I do not have time to eat , rest and bath .
I even ask my boyfriend to send food to my house . Is rushing and my sculpture doesn't balance .
Finally I give up and do a new one . But a smaller version .

Here is my end product :

I used 10 colours in this balancing sculpture .
Is it interesting ?
I did my best to do it .
Then , today for human communication .
Our lecturer ask us to do sculpture with plasticine .
More like emotion sculpture .
So I did sad emotion .
This sculpture I made is not that creative , I'm sure many of you seen this kind sculpture before .

The plasticine is soft and hard to do it .
I do the melting sad candle .
As I do , it get skinny .
That's all for today . Thanks for reading .

By June

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Bring a Friend Day

Is bring a friend day , happy and nervous on that day .
It happen on last Friday, 15th June .
Is human communication subject again .
Our lecturer want us to bring a friend to our course for a day .
She said is to learn how to communicate with other people , especially when we come out to work .

Before that day , Is so hard to find a friend .
I do not have many friend . I ask a lot of people and most of it cannot go .
Luckily one of my friend willing to skip his class and go . Really thanks to him , Ryan .
His my high school friend , I think we know each other for 4 years already .

On that day , our lecturer want us to go around and introduce ourself and our friend .
Is a good way to improve our communication skill and learn how to start a conversation with someone we do not know . Everyone enjoy it on that day .
After that , our friend need to rate our communication skill .
My friend rate me 5/10 , he should give me lower . LoL
What he said about me are right . I not going to tell what he told on that day (muahaha...!!)

On that day we got to wear similar clothing with our partner .

Here's a few picture :
We wear full black on that day .
I perasan ( hahaha... it means trying to show off )
I look fat in this picture .
My friend and her partner wear full white .
Whole class picture ! 
I didn't get to update on that day , many assignment rushing up .
Will update about my assignment tomorrow . Stay tune for it .
Hope you enjoy reading .

By June

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Body Painting

Not the professional body painting .
Is just something fun to enjoy it .
Is our human communication subject again .

College life huh~
See what we do ..
*We just using bancho paint , save our expenses .
We painting our partner . Not ourself

Let's see the transformation
Move your mouse to the picture to see the transformation 
Painted myself first ...
Now I'm white .
Painting my friend body ...
When painting her . She were ticklish .
She move here and there . LoL
so funny . 
My friend turn .
She paint my face .
The paint smell horrible . (E...leck..)
Half way done !
We can't really smile .
If we smile , the paint will crack .
My friend , Wee Ven art work .
My art work .
Trying to make like oil painting , ended she looking like army .
Full body view

Individual body look

Whole class art work

Do you felt amazing after looking at those picture ???

By June

Monday, 4 June 2012

My 18th B'day

Wish myself happy birthday 1st ... (LoL!!!)

I want to thanks those who wish and celebrate for me .

  1. Facebook for reminding my friends
  2. Friends who wish me at facebook
  3. My parents pay for my University fees
  4. My sister giving me present with lovely card
  5. My BEST friend at University gave me present with sweet message
  6. My grandmother and aunt for ready delicious food and cake for me
  7. Lastly is my bf . He spend a lot for me for this birthday . 
Wishes from my facebook friend :

That's all ....
I know I got very little friends , but is ok . Less friend less problem .

Present from my University best friend
She gave me something that I want . LoL
She asked me before my birthday .
Lovely paper beg she made for me .
Sweet touching messages form her .
She remember what I like . ( How awesome is that ! )
Nano white mask and snow wash
Sweet messages .
Cute turtle .
( Thanks Wee Ven )
Next is my sister .
She gave me the present very early .
She bought me a big paint brush for my art work .
soft brush .
Good quality .
This is the card she made for me .
She put in my tool box .
My friend open the box only I saw this card . If not I won't know also .
Touching word inside
Don't know what she said is true or not . LoL
Now , is my parents .
They celebrate for my yesterday .
Since I'm so busy with my studies .

Table of food .
My grandma and my aunt cook for me .

My aunt make it and decorate it
18th candles
My bf cut cake with me .
I know I looks horrible without make-uo
Lastly is my boyfriend
Last Wednesday (30th May) , he ask me go to his College (Berjaya College) and have dinner with him at his College restaurant .
Student cook , student serve .
He paid everything . (LoL)
He even introduce me to his friends . I'm a bit embarrassed .
Anyway , he bring me go shopping awhile that day .
Show you the present later .
On 1st June , after his class . He send me a box of give .
A small box . ( The only gift that is wrap )
Nom nom nom nom~~~
taste not bad .
Too bad , not he make one .
Hope he will make for me next time .
Yesterday ( 3rd June ) , we went Sunway Pyramid and celebrate( more like shopping )
We eat , watch movie and buy many stuff .

We eat at sushi king . I just said only . Then he pull me into the restaurant right away .
Pictures in Sushi king .
Happy moment .
Then we watch Man in Black 3 .
Is hilarious and awesome .
Touching story line in the end .
Picture before movie start .
A very comfortable couple seat . 
After movie , we go popular , daiso and watson for shopping .

Then we ate Macdonald .
His hungry , not me .
But he still order a set for me .

Last , we look for a formal skirt for my presentation , which I don't know when .
But soon .

So this what I got from yesterday .
Beg and nude bra bought from timesquare
The rest from Sunway . 
Umbrella from Daiso
That's the end of my 18-year-old birthday story telling .

By June