Your Shortcut

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

During New Year

During 31st December
Morning I went to my 2nd driving lesson .
Came back around 1…pm
Take a nap then get ready to Sunway for New Year Countdown .
Of course I’m exiting , is my 1st time you know …

My bf picked me up at 6p.m
His exhausted after his 1st driving lesson for 5 hours .
Anyway , he still willing to bring me to Sunway and countdown .
He’s cool right ? Ya I know !

Once arrive Sunway .
Time for dinner !
Hey ! What to eat ?
My bf : “How about BBQ plaza ?”
Me : “ Again ah ? Find something else la …”
My bf : “ You ask me choose what !”
Me : “ K lo .”
My bf : “ Haiz….. you ah !”

Then we went through Marrakesh .
I saw a Indonesia restaurant , “Ayam Penyet”
Me: “Hey ! Why not try this , not bad de .”
My bf : “K la , since I didn’t try before .”
Went in and take order .

His b'day date...
I ask my bf to try cat fish .
After Dinner , we walk around and spend our time .
I wanted to get concealer .
We went to SASA cosmetic store and look for my concealer .
Hmm… a promoter show me a concealer .
Looks not bad , but expensive .
My bf help me ask so many question then I keep said wait 1st wait 1st .
Cause the price is kinda expensive .
So… I look the other product and he still asking the promoter the same product .
LoL ! Have u ever have a amazing bf that help you to choose cosmetic item ???
I can said 80% of the guys will stand outside the store , 10% stand beside gf , 10% care about what product the gf going to use .
In the end he paid 90% for the concealer and me 10% .
YEAY ! At last I got my concealer .

My bf : “ Since I help you a bit for your concealer , now you need to get me any food I want .”
Me : “ OKAY !! No problemo …”
My bf : “ I want ice-cream at Asian Avenue .”
So we get 2cups of ice cream .
Chocolate and Strawberry.
I prefer in cone. 

All mine .
About time to go out and wait for fireworks .
WAH !! So many ppl …
We plan to sit on the grass and see .
So we went to 7-Eleven and get some food .
Then we go and find a nice place .
We sat on the grass and wait .
Later on my bf purposely went and get newspaper and fererro Rocher  .
Wootsss… NICE~~~
Still got 1 and the half hour .
I read his the newspaper he bought , he can’t read Chinese , so I read it to him .

Fake reading . (hahax~)

This is a fun moment .

But where is it ??
I can’t see it !
AHH~~~ Is behind .
My bf quickly I asked me to step backward .
But I still can’t see it .
Then he bring me to the bridge and see , only can see abit .
Felt disappointed , anyway , I had a great time .
blur picture ~
Thanks to him again !

By June

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