Your Shortcut

Friday 10 August 2012

Fundamental Drawing Exam 2 & Other

Finally done my drawing exam .
I thought I'm able to get the marks today , but lecturer didn't write it on our drawing .
I guess I got to wait until next Tuesday .
Kindda sad .

So here's my beautiful yet ugly drawing .
A bit off
Still ok right ?

There's something I wanted to upload long time ago , but waiting for my lecturer to give us the picture .
Finally after few month only we got our picture .
So here's the warrior costume I've been talking last time .

My costume awesome right ?
The costume was made by my parents .
They help me a lot .
Thank you .
So here's my classmate costume

There's is warrior , wizard and superhero
This is part of our assignment .
Everyone enjoy doing it .

By  June

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