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Monday, 21 May 2012

Rock Climbing

This event happen on last Monday , 14th May .
We went for rock climbing for our Human Communication class .
Our lecturer , Ms. Natasha want us to find out our inner strength .
We had our rock climbing at One Utama , CAMP 5 .

I didn't know I can climb until the top . I was happy about that .
Last time I tried climbing at Genting , I can't even reach to the top .
Now I can do it . So happy ! ( HAHAHA~~~)

Today I only manage to update the blog , only got one reason .
Waiting for the picture that my friend taken over there .
But too bad , he didn't really got any picture of mine .
I felt so so so sad .

Picture before we start climbing .
I'm the one wearing the white T-shirt .
I looks so ugly ~~~
The left one is me .
That's all .
Damn sad lo . The other got all nice and close up picture . I only got one and far picture . From the back some more . I hope I got my own camera . So that can ask someone take for me . But too bad I don't have camera . Hope got money to buy one . I just got to be patient , and look at someone face .

I wanted to say :" WHY DON'T LOOK AT ME ! AM I THAT HORRIBLE !!!!!!!!!!"
Just got to say , I fail to grab one's attention .

Anyway , I'm happy that I can climb until the top . Might ask my bf go with me next time , to build up his muscle . Hehe...
Thanks for my friend Wee Ven , she's the only one look up at me . Really thanks to her .

By June

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